Sunday, November 1, 2009

Honorable Mention for Mid-Term Soap Sculpture!

I am happy to say that I actually won a prize this week for my mid-term soap sculpture for my 3-D art class! They had four prizes for the best sculptures and I won Honorable Mention! This was in a class that has about 25-30 students. My prize was a crazy but cute pair of Boise Bronco flip-flops that have little footballs on them. They actually fit too! I have posted a photo of what I won. I will post a photo of my soap sculpture as soon as I can get the film developed.

The other great thing that happened this week was that I got paid for the sale of three prints that sold during my October show at the Garden City Library. Money is very tight for me right now and every little bit helps a lot!

My goal this week is to finish my portrait commission that I have been working on for two months. It is almost done. The sooner I finish this portrait, the sooner I can get paid for it and be free to prepare for the Christmas holidays and the last few months of school that I have left.

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