Sunday, November 15, 2009

Christmas Bazaar Season

Saturday I had a booth at a Christmas bazaar and sold some art. The bazaar was at my church, the Vineyard Christian Fellowship. This is the first time they have held a Christmas bazaar. I thought there was a pretty good turnout for the first bazaar. I sold enough to make the whole thing worth while. In this weak economy I get a little nervous sometimes when I do a show because I'm afraid nothing will sell, but I was happy with the results I got. It was fun looking at some of the creative things the other vendors had made and were selling. One of the most interesting designs there were hanging metal mobiles that had some beautiful and creative designs cut into them. I even took some photos which I may post on my blog later when I get the film developed. I did a trade with one vendor and got an awesome cross necklace made out of horseshoe nails.

I took some clay home with me from class last week and did some ceramic work at home because I wasn't able to make it to school to work on any of my ceramic projects. I finished the rest of the little figurative pieces for my Lord of The Ring narrative ceramic project. Now all I have to do is scrape out the underneath part of the piece to make it ready for firing and attach the two figures. The teacher said he likes this piece and he gave me some tips to make sure it doesn't blow-up in the kiln! I am still learning about what to do and what not to do when you make things in clay and apparently, when you make a piece that is very solid and thick without any airholes poked into it, it will blow up in the kiln. This actually happened to another ceramic piece I made, but I was able to glue the broken pieces on and after I painted it, you couldn't tell anything had broken off.

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