Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Pepe Portrait Commission

It is nice to be well again and cold-free with no more symptoms. Now my husband has what I had and he was just sick three weeks ago with the flu. (Sigh) I HATE viruses!

I have caught up with all my BSU homework for the time being, but there is still more to do. I am going to go into ceramics class this weekend and do one last session with clay before I let them all dry out and get them ready for firing in the kiln. I have nine pieces so far. Do I have time to make one more piece? We'll see.

I just hope I have time for everything I am suppose to do by December 1oth. I have to work on one more project for 3D art that needs to be completed by December 8th. Fortunately, I will be working in a group and will have help. Then I have to have all my ceramics fired and painted or glazed, then turn in a synopsis of photos, etc. of all the ceramic pieces I have made this semester.

In the midst of the obstacles I've had to deal with like my car breaking down, me getting sick, my husband getting sick, something good actually happened! I got a new portrait commission! Not only did I get this commission, but I got paid for it in advance! That rarely ever happens. I will be doing a portrait of a little dog named Pepe who was a chihuahua mix. I say "was" because the dog passed away just last month. The owner found my website and contacted me. Sometimes my website really does pay for itself!

The photos for the "Pepe portrait commission" that I have to work with are not real good--only fair--so I will have to get some of my own references to use to fill in the detail, but I think I can come up with a really nice portrait for my client. I can't even start on this commission until after my classes are over and done with. But that's okay. I will have something to look forward to.

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