Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thanksgiving Break Is Here

I have an entire week off with no BSU classes! It will be very, very nice to have a chance to catch up on things. However, I still have some homework to do. The teachers want to make sure that we don't have it too easy over Thanksgiving break! I may not get much of a chance to work on my own art projects.

The last class days for both my BSU classes are December 8-10. That is only a few weeks from now! Yicks! I have a few more pieces of pottery in Ceramics I need to finish and another project to do in 3D art.

I just found out that the final project for 3-D art will be on display downstairs in the Liberal Arts Building of BSU. There will be a reception and a press release, just like a regular art show. That is cool! This will be sometime around the second or third week in December.

I was eager to go in Friday or Saturday to do some extra ceramic work in class, but I got sick. The dreaded virus that is hitting everyone finally hit me. Fortunately, it is not the swine flu--just a cold. This has definitely been an week of battles. On top of being sick, my Saturn decided to break down this week, so I am back to sharing the truck with my husband until my car gets repaired.

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