Monday, October 26, 2009

Mid-Terms, Homework and Project Runway

I am SO busy with homework right now! I just found out that I have a mid-term this week for 3-D art class. It is a take-home mid-term. My assignment is to make some sort of sculpture out of soap (Dove or Ivory). The soap is given to us in class on Tuesday and it is due Thursday. So we only have Tuesday evening and all day Wednesday to work on it. I did a practice sculpture with some Dove soap this weekend because my sculpturing skills are not nearly as good as my drawing and painting skills. You should have seen my art room! There were so many soap shavings it looked like it had snowed in there! Once we get our soap Tuesday, we have to make the sculpture from that piece of soap and we can't add to it if we make a mistake. There are even going to be judges and prizes given. This is starting to feel like Project Runway. "Don't bore the judges" and "Make it work" as Tim Gunn would say.

I decided that I am going to make a bird out of soap. We have to make some sort of base for our sculpture to sit on, so I made a bird's nest. I didn't want to buy one, so I made one out of a pair of my husband's old leather moccasin slippers, some grapevines & twigs and some soft downy material I bought at a craft store a while back. The nest looks like the real thing too.

I am also going to have to step it up a bit for my ceramics class. I have about five more ceramic projects to complete before the end of the semester, which I think is December 15th. I went in last week during one of my days off and did some extra work. So folks, the pressure is on. I don't think I could fit in time for a part-time job now, even if i did get one!

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