Sunday, October 11, 2009

Colored Pencil Art Workshop Teaching Job!

This weekend I taught an art workshop at the Vineyard Vine Arts Studio. The workshop was on colored pencil and turpenoid. I had a total of four students, which isn't bad for this economy. I had so much fun and the students did too. There is another workshop next Saturday that all four students will be coming too. It is wonderful to have this opportunity because so many art schools and art programs have been closing their doors due to the economy and that really sucks when teaching art is what you want to do for a living. What is really a blessing is that I am actually getting paid to teach these workshops! How cool is that!

I finally have some breathing room to get back to some of my personal art projects, like the commissioned portrait I received in September. Fortunately there is no deadline on this commission, so there is really no pressure. I just want it to be done before the Christmas season starts to kick in. I am also motivated to finish it so I can get paid.

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