Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Playing the Waiting Game

This week has mostly been about waiting--waiting to feel better, waiting to hear from art show coordinators who wait until the last minute to give you information you need, waiting to get paid, etc.

Waiting to feel better: Last week I went to the doctor to get antibiotics for my bronchitis. This week I had to get something called Achidophilis Probiotics to counteract the bad side effects from the antibiotics! Apparenly, although antibiotics kill any infection from bronchitis, etc., they also kill the good bacteria that your digestive tract needs to function properly. A side effect of taking antiobiotics are toxins that build up in your system that make you feel lousy, give you headaches and other disgusting problems that I won't go into now, and that is what has been happening to me. So I am taking Achidophilis Probiotics to put back the "good" bacteria so everything will work okay again. So I have not been able to do much work on the art projects and home or yard projects. I am TIRED of being sick!!!!

What I have been doing when I have felt pretty good is making more rock animals to get ready for the upcoming outdoor art shows. I am also 90% done with a third piece in my series of art on Leavenworth, Washington. But I won't post a photo of that piece until it is completely done.

Waiting to hear from Art Show Coordinators: I have several possible art shows coming up, but I have not been able to get any confirmed definite dates set up. I have yet to get any definite dates for showing at the Capital City Market this summer. Apparently, they like to leave everything to the last minute which does not set well with me.

Waiting to get paid: On top of the other waiting I have been doing, I am also waiting to get paid for a rock animal portrait that I did about 3 weeks ago for a client who didn't have as much money as they thought they had, so payment got delayed.

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