Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Bequa's Salon Italian Fountain Mural

I thought I would post a few pictures showing what I have been doing every Monday for the past four weeks. My friend, Angie Harvey, and I have been working on this mural for Bequa's Salon in Boise. (That's Angie on the left and a tired looking me on the right.) We still have a few things that we both sort of want to fix, but we are running out of time and wanted to at least get it to the place where it looked mostly finished. I am entering my busy time for art shows and I have to prepare for them so there won't much extra time to work on things like murals.

Basically, I like the way it turned out. I think we are going to add more sky and less green and blue background and I would like to, at some point in time, make the ivy a little bigger. The ivy may looked a bit rushed because we were rushed! It was the last thing we did and we had only about 30-45 minutes to do it. I am still learning how to be a fast mural artist. It is a challenge. I am more like the tortoise than the hare when it comes to painting murals.

Here is the story of how this thing got started. A mural artist friend of mine, Jessie Nilo started this mural several years ago for Bequa in her salon and was unable to finish it. After staring at a partially finished mural for several years, Bequa decided it was time to get this darn thing finished, especially since she was in the process of renovating & redecorating her salon. So she asked Angie Harvey to help her and Angie asked me to help. When Angie first told me about the mural she said it would be just a few easy touch-ups and wouldn't take more than one afternoon. A few touch-ups? I don't think so! Well, what we thought would be an easy touch-up job ended up to be practically a whole new mural that ended up twice as big as the original! Although I did not get paid for this mural, I got some free pizza, an order for a rock animal dog portrait, and a future free hair cut, so I'm happy!

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