Thursday, January 31, 2008

Art Hangouts, Art Projects, Art Orders

Monday night I did something I've been meaning to do for a long time. I attended the "Artists Hangout" meeting that my church has once a month. I already know most of the artists in the group so I felt right at home. Someone read a chapter out of a book about getting in touch with your creativity. We also did what is called a "team painting" where one person starts a drawing/painting then another person adds on to it, etc. I enjoyed it and plan to go back again.

People are just beginning to show some interest in art lessons. I have at least three people on board, possibly four. However, the snow here has made the road conditions so bad that it is difficult to get around town so I am not going to start lessons until some time in February. Hopefully, mother nature will give me a break from this snow by then.

Yesterday I got an unexpected email art order from someone who saw my website. She wants three of my art pieces: "Smooth Landing" "Got Nuts?" and "Salmon River in Stanley." She lives in Alabama and stated that she wants these for her London apartment. I am waiting for her to let me know if she wants originals or prints, then I can send her an invoice.

Yesterday I also worked on my guest room rennovation project. I think I will be finished with it by the end of this weekend. I need to finish it soon so I can devote my time to building up my art inventory for the Boise Cat Fanciers Show in March. (I will be an vendor selling my art work at this show.)

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