Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Colors of Doing an Art Show

The art show at the Capital City Public Market went well. I was happy with sales, although I didn't make as much money as I did at last month's show. I got a few people who seemed very serious about getting a portrait done, so if those go through, it will be well worth it. It was not a real hot day either, so that made it very pleasant. I hate doing shows when it is 100 degrees or more outside. Nothing like cooking yourself and your art in the heat until you are fried to a crisp!
I thought I would explain what it feels like to do an art show, using colors to describe my moods. A new day, A new art show and a chance to make some money. Yay! Color me a happy color like pink. My husband is having physical problems this morning and may make me late for setting up and I can't do this show without his help. Color me red because I'm getting a bit anxious and irritated! We arrived but set up was rough going and we didn't get fully set up until 10 minutes before the deadline. Color me very red and a bit purple. I make my first sale within 30 minutes of being open. I feel much calmer & better now. Color me a peaceful blue. My husband buys some freshly-made mini donuts from one of the vendors. They are so good they melt in your mouth. mmmmm! To hell with the calories--I feel like a rainbow inside! I am enjoying the live music that is at the art show and sales seem fairly good. Color me bright yellow or pink. There is a dead zone in sales. A whole hour and a half has gone buy and nobody is buying! What's the problem here? I'm feeling a bit nervous. I don't want to go home with only $50.00 in sales! Color me orange--a combination of pale yellow (happy but cautious) and red (nervous & irritated). During the last hour to half hour of the show, I get some big sales! Yay! Color me bright yellow again with a smiley face. Right when the bell rings that indicates the show is closed, I get a $21.00 sale. (You aren't allowed to sell after the bell rings.) That's cutting it close!

My husband and I are exhausted after packing up the art, the tables & the canopy and then unpacking it when we get home. We have very little energy or life left in us. Color us black. It's time to take a nap!

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