Saturday, July 26, 2008

Colored Pencil & Turpenoid Workshop

Today, I taught an art workshop on Colored Pencil & Turpenoid at the Vineyard Church. They have their own art department with a place to teach art classes. I had five students. I thought that was a good number--not too many, not too few. I enjoyed teaching the class and I think everyone enjoyed learning about a new method of painting. I also got paid for teaching this class! This was a very pleasant surprise because last year, when I taught this same class at the Vineyard, teachers were purely volunteer. Now they give teachers a small fee for teaching. Now that's a switch, with a bad economy where everything seems to cost more and offer less.

I was going to teach a series of extended workshops at my house on Colored Pencil & Turpenoid, but most people can't come during the month of August, due to conflicting schedules & vacations, so I may postpone this until September or October.

I got a phone call today from someone I talked to at my last art show at the Capital City Market. She is coming over this Thursday to give me photos so I can get started on doing a portrait for her! I usually have to call someone several times and maybe even beg (or bribe?) them to give me a photo(s) so I can get started on a commission, so it is very nice to have someone take the initiative and contact me. I actually haven't even followed up yet with contacting the people who signed up to have commissioned portraits done. I have been distracted with so many other things, including stress, that I haven't gotten around to it. That will be on my list of "To Do's" for next week.

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