Thursday, January 31, 2008

Art Hangouts, Art Projects, Art Orders

Monday night I did something I've been meaning to do for a long time. I attended the "Artists Hangout" meeting that my church has once a month. I already know most of the artists in the group so I felt right at home. Someone read a chapter out of a book about getting in touch with your creativity. We also did what is called a "team painting" where one person starts a drawing/painting then another person adds on to it, etc. I enjoyed it and plan to go back again.

People are just beginning to show some interest in art lessons. I have at least three people on board, possibly four. However, the snow here has made the road conditions so bad that it is difficult to get around town so I am not going to start lessons until some time in February. Hopefully, mother nature will give me a break from this snow by then.

Yesterday I got an unexpected email art order from someone who saw my website. She wants three of my art pieces: "Smooth Landing" "Got Nuts?" and "Salmon River in Stanley." She lives in Alabama and stated that she wants these for her London apartment. I am waiting for her to let me know if she wants originals or prints, then I can send her an invoice.

Yesterday I also worked on my guest room rennovation project. I think I will be finished with it by the end of this weekend. I need to finish it soon so I can devote my time to building up my art inventory for the Boise Cat Fanciers Show in March. (I will be an vendor selling my art work at this show.)

Monday, January 28, 2008

Illustrative Art and Interior Decorating

I have been working on two art projects these past few days. One of the art projects I have been working on lately is a funny illustrative piece of a very friendly horse greeting a young boy. (See image posted above.) I found a photo at work (my other cleaning service job) that someone had hanging up in their office of this horse and boy and was intrigued by the humor and the expressions on the face of both the horse and the boy, so I asked if I could have a copy of it. What was challenging about this piece is that I had to alter some of it. The original photo included a lot of the interior of the car that the boy was sitting in and I didn't want to include all of it. I wanted the main focus to be on the horse and the boy. So I decided to rework the background part giving just a hint of the car that the boy was sitting in. Another thing that was challenging is that some of the photo wasn't real clear and was a bit too contrasting. So I had to change things a bit to compensate for that. I decided to post this image even though I am still "tweeking" it a bit.

The other project I am working on is an interior decorating project that I'm doing downstairs in my guest room. It is getting a complete makeover. I painted the entire room pastel blue. Now I have to work on putting up the curtains and painting the furniture. This room is going to have a color scheme of blue and pale yellow with white furniture. It will have a sort of country bed & breakfast theme to it. Maybe I'll post of photo of it when it is done.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Motivation Problems in January

Oh how I HATE January! It has always been my least favorite month. The weather sucks. It snows about every other day. It is not a good month for art sales, art shows or art lessons and those are the things that keep me motivated. Needless to say, I have had some trouble motivating myself to get things done. Only three more months until Spring. It can't come too soon.

I was able to get into the annual Cat Show here in Boise as a vendor. There is only room for about 5 vendors and I was the last one accepted. This show is a natural fit for my cat and animal art and I usually do pretty good in sales. Preparing for this show should help my sagging motivation problem.

The "Garden O' Feedin'" mural project that I was suppose to work on this week got postponed until next week, due to technical difficulties. Since this mural will be placed outside, it was determined we need a different kind of wood other than what we were using because this mural has to hold up in all kinds of weather.

I finished the portrait of "Pika," a beloved and recently deceased labrador dog. I have posted on today's blog one of three composite portrait poses that make up the entire 18 X 24 portrait. I made all the changes that the client requested and I think it turned out very well. Now I have to get a print made of it for my own portfolio and I have to find some place that can make a good print from an 18 X 24 original without it being too expensive.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Garden O' Feedin Mural

Has it really been a week since my last blog? Oops! Time has gotten away from me again. This week I finished my design for the Garden O' Feedin Program for the Vineyard Church in Boise. Another graphic artist from church, Jessie Nilo, is also working on this design with me. The design we are using is very Art Nouveau in style. I used ideas from one of my favorite Art Nouveau artists, Alphonse Maria Mucha, for inspiration. The final design and color scheme will be painted onto a large mural that will be used as a sign for the Garden O' Feedin Program. Jessie and I and a couple of other artists started the painting process last Saturday and we plan to continue it this coming Wednesday (1/23). This mural/sign will be placed in front of the fruit and vegetable garden that helps to feed low income and needy families in the community. I will try and post a photo of this mural/sign when it is done.

I also took a class last Saturday on how to do murals. It was taught by Jessie Nilo. I knew some of what this process was about, but I didn't know all of the technical steps involved and Jessie knows quite a few tricks of the trade that I didn't know. I am finding that the more I do murals the more I like them. At first murals seemed rather overwhelming and much too large for me, but now that I know some short cuts, they seem easier.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

A Project for Garden O' Feedin'

Today was the monthly meeting of the Art of the Vine Design group at the Vineyard. This is a group of artists at the Vineyard who get together and do graphic and fine art design projects that are requested by the church. I have been in this group for about a year and it has been a great growth opportunity for me. I really enjoy working and collaborating with other artists. Anyway, Jessie Nilo and I are working on a project for the Garden O' Feedin' program. We are taking the basic design of the hands holding food mural that I painted last year on the garden shed (see previous blogs for a photo) and using this as the main identifiable logo. Only this time we are going to tweek it a bit to look like the poster designs of Ward Hooper. This will be a design that will be put on T-shirts and brochures, etc. I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening at home working on pencil sketch designs for this.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

My Art & Poetry in "Do You Believe in Idaho?" Book

I have been trying to revise some of my art lessons and get geared up for another season of art lessons. I have talked to several people who expressed a desire to take lessons after Christmas and now I need to call them. This is always a "keep-your-fingers-crossed" time as I hope that not too many people change their minds and cancel.

I was very please to receive today in the mail my contributor's copy of a little 47 page softcover poetry/art book, "Do You Believe in Idaho?" that was published by Big Tree Publishing. (Edited by Jessica Raper.) (See photo of cover to the left.) My poem, "I'll Remember Happiness" and three art illustrations were published in this book. These were all from the "Measure of Man" poetry & art book that I have been working this past year. What happened is several months ago I saw an ad in the Boise Weekly announcing an opportunity for poetry and art contributions for a book that was being planned. I thought it was a great opportunity so I took advantage of it and got accepted. It wasn't a paid job, but I got a kick out of getting some of my poetry published. It is also nice free publicity for my art. I don't know if this book can be purchased at the stores but I don't think so. I think you have to contact Big Tree Publishing to purchase it.

The following is the poem I wrote that was published in this book, along with the illustration that went with it.

I'll Remember Happiness

Say goodbye...
When what I really want to say is "stay"
To freeze this moment in time
So I can always have this day.
I was looking for a refuge
A place where I could mend
A place where I could plan
Until the battle ends.
You helped me to mend my broken wing
And taught my heart to sing.
Sweet memories will stay with me
New hope is what I'll find.
I'll remember....
The love and the laughter
The friendship thereafter
The child inside
That you chose not to hide.
The mischievous grin
And the joy that it brings,
The strength that you gave me,
And the way that you changed me.

And I'll remember.....Happiness!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Finishing Touches on Poetry Book and on Pika Portrait

My first version of my poetry book, Measure of Man, has been fully assembled. This is actually the prototype and it has a few minor flaws, but it looks great. I plan on making a few others to distribute to members of my family and when I do, I will make some changes and improvements. I decided to add a short biography on each member of my family whose poetry is included in this book.

This past week I was able to meet with a client who commissioned me to do a portrait of her dog, Pika. I was glad to be able to get together with her because there have been so many interruptions and postponements that I was afraid I would never get this thing done! And this portrait had a lot of visual elements to it that made it rather complicated. To add to the complications, this dog (Pika) died last Thanksgiving while I was working on his portrait. Anyway, when my client saw what I had done so far, she loved it and I was very happy and relieved. (I can't post a photo of this portrait on this blog because the artwork is 16 X 20 and won't fit on my scanner.) It is always a tense moment when you reveal your work to a client because if they don't like it--things become very awkward very fast! I am finishing up on the little details that were still to be completed. The other really nice thing is my client paid for half the total cost of the portrait. And being that this is that financially fragile time right after Christmas, the money is very much appreciated and needed! Doing this portrait has been a very rewarding experience to me. Not only have I learned a lot and grown as an artist by doing this, but I was also able to do something special to commemorate a much-loved, recently departed pet. I think it will help to give my client some closure too. Rest in peace, Pika!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Last Poem & Illustration for "Measure of Man"

I have finally finished my poetry book, "The Measure of Man"! (Fanfare, drum rolls.....) After a year of working, trying to squeeze in time for it here and there, it is finally finished. The book is handmade with matt board, special paper, fabric & ribbon. All I have to do now is to drill in the holes and put in the ribbon to tie it all together. In this blog, I have posted the last poem for "Measure of Man" and my illustration for it.

This poem is called "My Forever Knight" and it has an interesting story behind it. During a time in my life that was very stressful, a wonderful thing happened that helped me cope. I was invited to a very special fan club party in Phoenix, Arizona. The guest of honor was a professional actor by the name of Geraint Wyn Davies. This was an invitation only party and only 100 people were allowed to come. I ended up having the best weekend of my life. Geraint was extremely funny and entertaining and seemed to have a genuine love for people. I laughed harder than I had for years. Then Ger spent some personal one-on-one time with each person at the party. He made me feel encouraged and special in a way that I really needed at that time. The title of the poem is called "Forever Knight" because Geraint is best known for a television series he starred in during the 1990's called "Forever Knight."

"My Forever Knight"
As knights from King Arthur's Court,
We sat around tables round.
A part of a team, united as one,
Tales of humor and love abound.
Like a knight in shining armour,
You rescued me from dreary days.
You game me love & made me laugh
With your special charming ways.
How to tell you all that's in my heart,
In moments but a few?
When words seem so inadequate
For this, so fresh, so new.
I treasure the moments spent with you,
When hearts and dreams took flight.
The Arizona Room my Camelot,
And you, My Forever Knight.