Sunday, May 3, 2009

Last Week of Art Methods Class

I have posted (above) a photo of part of a Batik I did in Art Methods Class a few weeks ago. Batiking is an art form that uses melted wax and special fabric paint/dye. I have never done anything like this before and I loved it. I thought it came out pretty good for my first attempt.

This coming week is the last week of my Art Methods Class at BSU. I have been spending most of my spare time working on my presentation for class, which will be about 20 minutes. We don't have finals for this class. Instead, we have to do a presentation of a lesson or part of a lesson that we would teach in grade school or junior high. I am teaching a lesson on Egyptian Art called, "Draw Like An Egyptian."

Last Friday I gave an art lesson to three children at the school I work at. They are the children of a custodian who works there. She needed someone to watch her kids while she finished up her shift at work, so I volunteered to teach art lessons. I used this for part of my homework for Art Methods class. We made Mother's Day cards and an origami star book. It was fun and the kids and I had a good time.

I have two more weeks of work before summer break and I am looking forward to a change of pace. (Work ends until the new school year in August/September). I have lots of art shows that I have arranged to do this summer. I am also looking around for a part-time summer job, but whether or not I will get one in this difficult job market, I don't know. Then for Memorial Day weekend, I am going to the Sawtooth mountains in Stanley and then spending a day in Sun Valley. So I have much to look forward to!

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