Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Multiple Musings

Lately I have been thinking about ways I can further simplify my life. It has gotten way TOO complicated--too much debt, too many bills, too little money coming in, too little time for my artwork, too many other things to manage and maintain that keep me away from my real passion--my art and getting my BFA in Art Education. Then there are those annoying dysfunctional people who pop into your life and drain you of the creative energy that you are trying to save for your artwork. I want to just dump it all and focus totally on the goals that are important to me. But sometimes that is easier said than done.

I have been kicking around some ideas to solve this problem. One of them is to rent out a room downstairs in my house to bring in some extra money. Then I wouldn't have to find some part-time job that fits my school schedule and takes time away from doing my artwork. But renting out a room also has complications attached to it. I can't do this until the plumbing in the bathroom is fixed and right now we have no money to do that. Then there is the problem of WHO to rent the room out to? Who do we feel we can actually live with and be compatible enough with?

Sometimes I wish I lived with a rich relative or that I lived in a cave that didn't have a mortgage, an electric bill, or a gas bill attached to it.

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