Thursday, August 28, 2008

Struggling to Keep My Head Above Water---Glub, Glub!

I have been SO focused on finding a job and trying to cope with this disastrous recession and all the changes that it has brought into my life, that I really haven't been able to focus much on art. I am very, very close to being given the official "okay" for a job at the Boise School District. I just have to pass a background check and a physical and I am in. That should take another week. Whenever there is any type of big bureaucracy involved, especially government, the wheels turn slowly and nothing happens fast. My husband's job as a loan officer has had so many changes that it is becoming impossible to make a living as a mortgage broker. He is seriously thinking about changing careers. This has been a horrendous year for anyone associated with the housing market and the stress is killing me and not doing much good for my art either because it tends to kill my creativity.

I am almost done with a cat portrait commission that I received a few months ago. I have had so many emergencies to handle that my portrait commission work ended up getting postponed. I also need to call people that signed up for a portrait, but haven't contacted me yet. Again, I have been too distracted and stressed out by all the changes in my life lately that I haven't gotten around to doing this yet.

And so the struggle continues....let's hope it is not a struggle for very much longer!

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