Saturday, August 23, 2008

Second Place At The Fair and Another Capital City Market Art Show

"Autumn at Hidden Lake"

Last Thursday my husband and I went to the annual Idaho fair that takes place every August. The Western Idaho Fair is just down the road a few miles from where I live. I think my favorite thing about the fair is the excellent food and the animals that you get to pet. I petted everything from a horse to a baby buffalo and a sting-ray. Cool! I always enter one or two paintings in the juried art show at the fair. This year I entered two piece: "Autumn at Hidden Lake" and "Maynard in Pink Basket" (Pictured above). My piece, "Autumn at Hidden Lake" won Second Place in the Landscape Division (professional category.) I get prize money of $35.00 and a red ribbon. Yay!

Today I had another outdoor art show at the downtown public market in Boise, The Capital City Public Market. We got their well early and set up well before the required time of 9:30 a.m. It was much easier setting up than it was last month. Last month it was a nightmare! We got their a bit late, I felt pressured, we weren't sure where to park and where to unload, and by the time my husband and I were finished setting up, my husband said, "Get someone else to help you set up....I'm not doing this anymore!"

Sales at this show were not as good as last month or the month before, but it was still worth it to me to do this show. This show has a great atmosphere with a big fountain in the middle of the circle grove and a small jazz ensemble that played some excellent soft classic jazz. Plus it is great advertising for my business and lots of people took my card and brochure. People often contact me and request a commissioned portrait or a print after the art show is over.

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