Monday, May 12, 2008

Barbie Dog and the Welcome Center Sign

The above two photos are projects that I have completed in the past few months that I just now got photos of. The top photo is the completed rock animal portrait I did of "Barbie" the cocker spaniel dog. The client wanted Barbie's portrait to include the pink T-shirt that she was wearing. I was very pleased with how it turned out and so was my client.
The bottom photo is the banner that I helped to design for the Vineyard's Welcome Center. The director of the Vine Arts Program at the Vineyard, Jessie Nilo, helped me to design this and then I painted the artwork for this banner. The lettering and the final composition was done using Photoshop and Illustrator some of the Vineyard Church's graphic artists. Jessie Nilo turned it into a large vinyl banner that is used each Sunday morning to welcome newcomers to the church. The original artwork was done in watercolor because it is a fast medium and they needed this sign in a hurry. Sorry I couldn't get a better photo of it. Some day, hopefully this year, I will get a digital camera that will take better pictures and I won't have to rely on my old fashion 35mm film camera.

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