Thursday, September 20, 2007

Victory at the Boise Book & Gift Shop!

Today I went downtown and did some marketing for the coffee table book, "Diana in Art" (with my artwork on page 97) and to try and book some future art exhibits. I am happy to say that the Boise Book & Gift Shop on Main Street in downtown Boise is going to have this book in their shop! They actually ordered it today while I was their visiting their shop! Perserverance actually paid off. I approached four other places and they all said, "No, not interested." If there is anything I've learned as a struggling artist it is not to settle for "no" & give up. There is a "yes" out there somewhere!

There is a reason why I rarely go to downtown Boise. It is a nightmarish maze of construction zones, pedestrians who cross on a green light, and one-way streets that take you where you don't want to go. But today, it was worth fighting my way through the amazing maze of a badly planned road system to find that one book store that said "Yes, we will promote your book for you."

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