Thursday, September 13, 2007

Life Interferes With Artwork

With my part-time job and doctor appointments and various emergencies, I have had hardly any time at all for doing artwork but I am going to get back on track soon...I hope. There has been no time at all to try and promote the book, "Diana in Art" with my Diana portrait on page 97, so I will try and do that next week. Some friends of mine have given me some excellent leads for small local book stores and galleries that might be willing to display this book.

With what little time I had today, I worked a new illustration for an ongoing art project of mine--a book of illustrated poetry. This book will be about 20 pages of poems written by my grandfather, my mother and myself, representing three generations. Apparently the talent for writing poetry started with my grandfather, and mom and I inherited it as well. The book is called, "The Measure of Man" and is based on my grandfather's poem of the same name. So far it is turning out great. I am about halfway done with the book and the illustrations. It's going to be fantastic when it's done! Here is a sample of one of the poems my grandfather wrote and an illustration I did for it.
The Love of God
How wonderful the love of God, so bountiful & free.
He spreads His love over all the earth, He gives His love to me.
And of this love on me bestowed within my heart be found,
A great desire from this time forth to pass His love around.
And now dear Lord from this day and ever while I live,
That of the love that's given me, To give, and give, and give!

--H.J. Gardner

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