Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Week Art Work

Happy Saturday after Thanksgiving, everyone! I have had the entire week off with no school at all, so I have been able to sneak my own art projects into my schedule just a little bit. I did a little bit of work on my portrait of a wolf and the dreamcatcher.

Thanksgiving week has been great so far. I spent Thanksgiving with my husband's family here in Idaho. The only 'fly in the anointment' was the 24-hour flu bug I caught Friday. So instead of Black Friday, I had a Flu Friday. And it cancelled out my 'to do' list for the day because I spent most of it in bed. Thank God it only lasted for 24 hours and I feel great today!

This week I finally got started on the portrait commission order that my college teacher placed with me about two months ago. I was so backlogged with school work, work, and teaching that I haven't been able to get to it. When it is done it will be a lovely portrait of two adorable kids eating watermelon. I will post it when it is finished. So far it is turning out great and I'm having fun with it. It is going to be so cute that I think I will make a print or two for myself.

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