Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Vine Arts Gala "Creating Culture"

Last Saturday, I got all dressed up and went to the Vine Arts Gala. There were about eight artists with their art exhibits and I was one of them. This Gala was called "Creating Culture." The purpose was to promote awareness of the arts within the community and in the church. And also to raise a little money for the Vine Arts program at the Vineyard church. Not only was this a lot of fun to participate in, but it promoted me as an artist and I got to sell some of my art to the public. I actually made some cash on the side and I didn't do too bad for an exhibit that was only three hours long.

There was music, food, poetry readings, and a couple of guest speakers. The speakers were J. Scott Elroy, an artist and author; and Irene Deeley, who is the owner of local art gallery called Women of Steel. Irene sponsors a traveling art show. I got to talk to her and gave her my card, and she will contact me when the next traveling show comes up, so I can be a part of it. Another cool opportunity!

This event was so much fun! I knew many of the people who came to the gala, and it was fun to connect with fellow artists and chat with everyone. My only struggle that evening was with my high heels. They looked really great, but after about an hour of walking around, my feet were saying 'ouch' and I had to sit down a lot. High heels were a lot easier to wear 25 years ago.

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