Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cool Teachers Podcast Episode 40

Today I listened to Episode 40 of Cool Teachers Podcast. This blog is actually part of my homework for Education Technology Class. Anyway, this podcast talked about a tool or program you can use that has to do with Fair Use laws. You go to the Creative Comments website and you can get anything licensed on this website under "Attribution." This intrigues me because we studied Fair Use in my Art 108 3-D class last semester. There was a lesson on Attribution and Fair Use. I need to find this website and check it out because I can definitely use this in the art classes I teach and will teach in the future.

In my Art 108 3-D class the teacher said that the Fair Use Law says anything out there in the public is okay to use in your art as long as you don't copy it exactly. Generally, if the original art has been transformed to look like something else, it shouldn't be illegal. But sometimes this argument doesn't work if a lot of money is involved that has to do with how much money the artist received from the art that was appropriated.

Another thing on this Episode 40 of Cool Teacher's Podcast that I found interesting was about Sploder.com. This is a video game site where you can create your own games. I am not really a video game person but this intrigued me because you can use these games in your classroom as a clever way to get your students to interact with each other, and learn something at the same time. Cool idea!

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