Friday, February 26, 2010

No Time For Art?

I have been so wrapped up with my classes at Boise State University that I haven't had much time for doing art work and that is NOT a good thing! I am feeling the need to connect with my art. I started a great piece that is actually a cat looking into a fish bowl, watching the fish swim around. But I haven't gotten back to it in two or three weeks.

Another reason I haven't spent time doing my art is because I have been busy getting the downstairs bathroom and guest rooms ready to rent out to tenants as a way to get some extra income. They aren't being used so I thought, why not rent them out? They are finally done and we just have to do some minor clean-up work. I also have to hang up some curtains in one of the rooms. I just started advertising for tenants last week.

This past week I created my first Power Point presentation for my Education Technology class. I used my own art and it is actually an art lesson called "Pencil Techniques." I will use it someday in an actual class setting.

In a couple of weeks I will be at the Idaho Cat Show as one of the vendors, selling my art. Then in April I will be teaching an art workshop on Portraits at the VineArts studio.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Boy do I know what you mean. I've recently developed an interest in art, hence I follow your blog, found it on a search for local artists. I too am a student at BSU and understand how homework, class, and tests can interupt regular life.
But this connection to your art, as if it's a long time friend is something I want to know, a deeper connection with loosing myself to the creative process and it being sustaining to the soul- and exciting at times. Maybe I'll get around to taking my first painting class.