Saturday, February 6, 2010

Ed Tech Assignment--Technology in my Classroom

Okay, I listened to Cool Teachers Podcast Episode 36 and 37 and I have come to the conclusion that I am still in the dark ages of technology because I don't know what my Ed Tech teacher, Chris Haskell, is talking about half the time! But I do find it very interesting and it makes me want to learn more.

Of all the technology that was discussed on "Cool Teachers", what I found would be most applicable to me as an art teacher is Adobe, Auto Desk and something new called I-Work Create Activity Suite. I-Work Create is a digital drawing pad. I am starting to see that I could teach a class on drawing or painting that could include simulating a specific art medium (like watercolor) on a computer, so I could give students the experience of painting or drawing on the computer. I actually have never tried this before, but I am curious to do so someday. I think it would be interesting to use in an art classroom.

Adobe and Auto Desk (both art-related software) were mentioned in Episode 36. I have never tried Auto Desk and I don't really know what it can do, but I have tried Adobe Photoshop. I could probably find a way to use one or both of these programs in my classroom. I am still stumbling through Adobe Photoshop, so I don't know all of what it can do. I wonder if I could use Photoshop to visually show a student what could be done with their drawing/painting in a sort of critique of "What if you did this?"

I have to add a quick note. This past week I have been teaching myself Word 2007 in one of the BSU computer labs. Although it has greatly changed from what I use at home, which is Word 2000, I love it! I am learning how to create a newsletter in Word 2007 and I LOVE using the graphics and all the other art features. Someday, hopefully soon, I will have this installed into my computer at home.

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