Monday, February 1, 2010

The Eagle City Hall Art Show or Beverly Versus The Cable Wire Hook Things

Murphy's law says that when you estimate how much time it will take to complete a project, it will always take at least twice that long. Murphy is correct. How long could it take to hang 8 to 10 paintings on a wall? Well, what I thought would be a simple art exhibit set up at Eagle City Hall took 3 hours and I'm STILL not finished!

I got there with my husband and we started hanging the art on the cable wire hooks. We discovered that the cable wires are really hard to move. You have to get way, way up to the top of the ceiling and move them from there. Well, I'm short (vertically challenged) and even with a ladder, this kind of thing doesn't work too well for me, but fortunately my husband was able to accomplish this to I could space out the art exactly right.

Then I discovered I didn't properly prepare two of the title cards (the sign that goes on the art piece that has the title of the art and the price.) So I have to go back home and get those done. I also discovered that there was an extra hook on two of the cable wires, giving me room to hang two other pieces of art. I only brought 8 paintings and there was room for two more. Gotta go back home again.

I go back home, get the title cards done and pick up two more paintings, and I get my artist biography laminated so I can stick it on the wall as part of the exhibit. Then I go back to Eagle City Hall, without my husband. Silly me, I thought I could do this without his help. What was I thinking? I finish hanging all the art just the way I want it to look. But then I have a little wall on the other side of the room that needs one more picture there. Seems like an easy fix, right? WRONG! Two of the cables got stuck and those suckers would NOT move for me at all. The frustrating thing about it was that I wanted these things to move to the left, and they only wanted to move to the right. I swear those cable wire hook things hate me and they were doing this on purpose!

By this time it is almost 5:00 p.m. and the place closes at 6:00 p.m. I decide to call it a day and go home. I'll finish hanging the rest tomorrow. Round Two of Beverly vs. The Cable Wire Hook Things starts Tuesday, after my English Literature class.

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