Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Cat Show

The Cat Show has come and gone and I am at home now getting ready for school on Monday. I really enjoyed the show and seeing all the cute kitty-cats. I didn't do as well in sales as I did the previous years, but I made some good contacts. And I did enough sales that it was worth it to me. I connected with a few more people who are interested in taking art lessons from me. I also may do some collaboration work with another vendor, combining her products with my art work.

The only mishap I had during this show is that my cash box locked up and I couldn't get it open. I had put all my change and important papers for the cat show inside it. (Murphy's Law strikes again!) I had lost the key a long time ago so forget trying to unlock it! So my husband pried it open. By the time it was open, it was all bent and smashed and wasn't worth keeping. So I tossed it out.

I had a sort of epiphany this weekend. I decided that instead of wasting my time looking for a part-time job that I can NEVER find, I am just going to expand my art business and make that my job. I was meant to be an artist and an art teacher and I am TIRED of splitting myself into two careers--my art business and another non-art related part-time job. I really need more time for my art, not less time. Since the bad economy is making is near to impossible to find a job right now, I might as well work at what I do the best--making art, selling art, and giving art lessons!

So if I'm going to step it up I am going to have to find more time to actually create art. I want to offer some new product lines when I do shows. I haven't decided yet what those products will be.

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