Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Tiger Mask

Sometime within the next week or two our Art Methods class at BSU is going to a grade school in Garden City to help some kids make marti-gras masks. So last Tuesday during class we made masks. This is a new art form to me and I found it very interesting. We also saw a video presentation on masks and mask making. The teacher gave us some pre-cut heavy foam masks (not decorated) and we spent the next hour or so decorating then. I decided to create a tiger mask. (See photo above.)
The tiger is my favorite wild animal and since I am a huge cat-lover, that was the first thing I thought of. I really had a lot of fun creating this mask. Another reason I choose to do a tiger is because it is the mascot for the school that I work at, Hillcrest Elementary. I don't remember ever creating a mask before--not even in grade school.
I actually took my tiger mask home and did some embellishments to it by adding feathers and some glitter paint, which really made it pop.

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