Sunday, January 25, 2009

"Transformation" Vine Arts Gallery Reception

"Walking Through The Fire"

"Good Hare Day"

Today after church at the Vineyard we had a reception for the new Vine Arts Gallery show called Transformation. The show consists of art, poetry and photography that depicts how the Lord has used other people and circumstances to transform and change you for the better and how the Lord has revealed Himself & changed you through his love.

I entered two pieces that fit the theme of the show very well: "Good Hare Day" and "Walking Through The Fire." Both of these pieces are shown above.

The reception lasted for about an hour. I had some very interesting conversations with some fellow artists that I don't get to chat with very often. I always am amazed at what happens when I get together with other artists. It is like one species connecting with another of the same species. We are alike. There is a common bond, a common way of thinking and a unique feeling of oneness that I really love. I connected with one artist who is actively pursuing getting her children's books published. She likes my art and wants me to be the illustrator. We are going to get together so I can read her stories and illustrate them. The challenge will be to get someone to publish us!

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