Thursday, January 8, 2009

School and The Leopard

I haven't blogged in a week because there has been very little to blog about! Things are slow right now and I am adjusting to a more normal, after the holidays schedule. I went back to work on January 5th and it is good to get back to some kind of routine again.

I am getting ready to go back to school January 2oth. My first class is Art Education Methods for Elementary School at Boise State University.

I had another Vocational Rehab appointment this week. They are going to pay for most of the tuition for my class and my parking permit! Yay! I have to pay for about $300.00 of tuition, but that it great considering that the total bill is about $1,100.00! And that is just for one class! Wow! College is expensive! For the next semester, I am hoping to take two classes per semester and it would be great to squeeze in one summer school class, but I don't know if that will work out. Another option that I have is I may take some courses from the new Idaho community college that recently opened up. It is much more affordable. I just have to make sure that the classes I take at the community college are transferrable credits for BSU.

I have been able to fit in some time for artwork now that holiday madness it over! I am still working on the leopard in the tree. It is turning out to be quite challenging, but I think it will be a good piece when it is done. When you are painting/drawing an animal with a spotted pattern like this one, it is a challenge to make it look 3-D and realistic instead of just looking like a flat graphic art piece. But that is why I wanted to do it. This piece is a good learning experience for me.

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