Monday, October 27, 2008

Portrait of Thompson Done

I just completed another portrait commission. Okay, it is 95% complete! I got an order to do two 5 X 7 original colored pencil portraits of a little 3 year old boy by the name of Thompson. I have posted the first completed portrait above. The second one is almost an exact duplicate of this, except the background color will be a little different. I just have a wee little bit to do on it, including the background color, and it will be done. My client wants it real soon, so I will finish it this week. She bought the frames for the portraits and gave them to me so I can insert the portraits into the frames and they are ready to go. Then comes the really fun part--my client picks it up and pays for it!

I am almost done with the other piece I have been working on--the "walking through fire" piece. That's a good title, I think I will call it Walking Through Fire. It is very different from what I've done before and so far it is turning out very nicely. I have to be finished with it my November 8th so I can display it at the Vineyard Art Gala. This piece is kind of my statement on what it has like getting through this 2008 recession/depression.

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