Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Artwork and a Road Trip to Leavenworth, Washington

Since my last entry, I have been working on my family poetry book and on a commissioned portrait of a chocolate lab dog that I got about a month ago.

I have now finished the illustrations for my grandfather's poetry and my mother's. I only have my own poetry illustrations to work on. Five more illustrations and I'm done with this book!

It has again been a challenge to try and squeeze in enough time for my artwork. I have been preparing for a road trip to Leavenworth, Washington that my husband and I are taking this weekend. Leavenworth is a really cool Bavarian town that is sort of like Solvang only the theme is more German/Bavarian. My husband has a sister and a brother who live there and we will be visiting with them. Preparations for this trip have had many obstactles this past week. We had to change our schedule because of bad weather, then we had car problems, then last Sunday I got a 24 hour virus. But if I don't get out of "Dodge" for a while (before the winter weather comes) I think I shall scream! I love to travel but hardly ever get to anymore. I think there is something about being an artist that requires the need for travel every now and then to help spark & inspire the creative side. I am hoping to do some artwork while I'm on this vacation.

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