Thursday, July 29, 2010

Can I Lead You Through The Darkness?

"Can I Lead You Through The Dark?"
The quotation at the top of says, "Can I lead you through the darkness?" and the answer, "When I'm with you, Vincent, there is no darkness."
Things are fairly quiet right now, but that will change in September. Right now I am taking advantage of this "free" time to do more Beauty & The Beast theme fine art illustrations. It is really fun and I am learning things about illustration art by doing this. I am playing around with a couple of different "styles" of art, but the one I seem to come back to most often is the usual colored pencil, Turpenoid, and mixed media style, as seen in the illustration I have posted above. This is my latest one. It is called, "Can I Lead You Through The Dark?." It is based on an episode of Beauty & The Beast called, "Dead of Winter."
There is a personal story behind this particular piece of art. It actually has a very spiritual message to it. When Vincent says to Catherine, "Can I lead you through the dark?," it actually refers to my personal spiritual faith. I picture Jesus holding out his hand and saying the same thing to me. This piece of art is a symbol of all the times when the light overtook the darkness and I felt that someone was protecting and guiding me.


Joyce said...

Beverly - this is a great piece of art. You have so much talent. But I think what I liked most of all was how you compared your walk with Christ to the statement Vincent makes to Catherine. Many times when I have been in my darkest places it is only through Christ holding out His hand and guiding me safely through that I have reached the Light.


Joyce said...

I was just reading your bio Beverly and I had to tell you that Gone With the Wind is my all-time favorite novel and movie. I have read the book at least five times and could not tell you how many times I have seen the movie. I have been collecting memorabillia for both for many many years.