Friday, July 9, 2010

Pencil Sketches as Finished Art

"Can I lead you through the dark?"

I just made the most amazing discovery! I found that I can get some really cool and fantastic pencil sketches off my DVD player when I'm watching a movie. I just press pause button and make a sketch. Why haven't I been doing this before? I decided to do some sketches from an episode of Beauty & The Beast called Dead of Winter. The process was really fun--once I figured out how to operate my remote control! I posted a few of these sketches above.
As I watched an episode of Beauty and the Beast and used the "pause" button, I did graphite pencil sketches on a small sketchpad. Then I scanned them, enlarged them, then printed them out. I was actually surprised to see that they look really good enlarged. For some reason I thought they wouldn't because they were too loosely done. When I do this kind of fast sketching, I switch to an entirely different style that is very loose and free, not like my usual tightly controlled style I have when I work with colored pencil & Turpenoid. When I enlarged these small drawings, I thought, "These look good enough they could be considered finished pieces. It's just that they are done in a different, more contemporary style." I guess this was kind of a "wow" moment for me because I was looking at it from a different perspective. I had gotten it into my head that a drawing isn't good unless it has that very realistic and overly detailed look. I'm beginning to see that is not true.

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