Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wet Art & Roses

It was a WET Art & Roses! Mother Nature was extremely uncooperative on Sunday! I hung my show, including the framed art, on the Saturday before the show. Then I came in Sunday morning, my tablecloths were wet, which baffles me because all four canopy walls were down. I also found that my huge 24 X 30 of the lioness and her cub was on the ground and the back of it was wet! (Fortuntely, the actual art was unharmed.) The wire had broken and it was a strong wire too, so what was up with that, I don't know. So my 'show piece', the one that people "oooo and ahh" about, had to be taken home for repair. Fortunately, I brought several new pictures that I could hang up in place of that one.

In terms of sales, I did about the same as last year. I was grateful that anyone at all came out in the rain! Sales weren't terrific, but it could have been a lot worse. In spite of the weather, I enjoyed myself and met a lot of great people. I got some good leads on marketing my art too.

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