Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ceramics Demo, Garden City Art Show and 3D Art Projects

I just got back from spending two days in Banks, Idaho, surrounded by pine trees. It was a sort of church retreat that I went to, this time without my husband. I made a lot of new friends and in spite of this being a very busy time for me, I'm glad I went.

This coming week is going to be very busy. I have an art project due this Tuesday for my 3-D art class. Then I have an art show opening at the Garden City Public Library that starts in October and I have to go into the library to hang the show Friday. There is also a party my husband and I will be hosting this Saturday, so I have to prepare the house for guests.

I found out last Thursday that I got an A- on my first 3-D art project! The teacher really liked it. I hope I do just as well on this next art project. My next project is a flower design I am making out of orange prescription bottles that will be cut into various shapes. I am also utilizing actual prescription capsules into the design. This is a project that focuses on conceptual art. We are suppose to use something that is an everyday object and turn it into some sort of interesting artistic design. The goal is to alter it so that it no longer looks like the original object it was intended to be used for. This project has a subtle reference to the health care system.

Last Thursday I went to an art demonstration given by ceramics artist, Rich Briggs. He is a teacher at the University of Idaho in Moscow. This was a mandatory event I had to attend that was a part of my BSU class, beginning ceramics. I really enjoyed the demonstration. I found the artist's work very creative and interesting. However, I have a lot to learn in this field. I haven't even started with the glazing part of ceramics yet. That will come in the next few week, probably.

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