Sunday, September 13, 2009

3D Art 108 Project and Art In The Park

This past week in my 3D art class we turned in our first sculpture project. Mine was a sculpture made out of wire and painted pantyhose that was shaped in all sorts of swirly shapes and fastened together. It was painted white with some streaks of blue and topped off with some glitter paint. I really loved the way it turned out and so did my teacher. I think (I hope) I will be getting a good grade on it. It was really fascinating to see what the other students came up with. Each student is suppose to give a presentation of their work and talk about the process of how we made it. Then the class gives a critique of it. My teacher told us that a few of these pieces are going into an on-campus show. I have yet to find out which ones will be picked.

This weekend was Art in the Park at Julia Davis Park. I went today to check out some cool & very creative art. I did some sketching of the designs and art that I really loved. These sketches will go into the journal I am keeping for the 3-D art class as part of my assigned homework.

I think my favorite art from Art in the Park today was the bamboo sculpture art and some animals that were made from recycled metal. The bamboo artist was Peter J. Gallagher, ( and the metal animal artist's name was Rich Kolb (no website). His animals had a real funny and whimsical quality to them and were very creative.

In spite of the uncomfortable heat, I'm glad I went to Art in the Park. (The snow cone helped!) I got some really great ideas for some future ceramic projects.

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