Sunday, July 26, 2009

More Leavenworth, Washtington Art

Since I don't have a job right now, I have had much more time for art. I just completed another piece of art based on my 2007 trip to the Leavenworth, Washington. The entire piece is too big for my scanner, so I only posted (above) two sections of what I did. Most all of the restaurants and stores in Leavenworth have some sort of design or picture painted on the building or they have an very artistic, decorative sign with their name on it. So what I did with this piece is I re-created some of my favorite pieces of art that are on these stores & buildings and put them together in collage form. The background is watercolor with plastic wrap over it. When the watercolor dries, I lift off the plastic wrap and it forms a really interesting design that kind of looks like crystals.
The top photo shows the sign that hangs in front of the Red Baron Gift House. I loved the typography and the way it was designed, with the little Red Baron in the middle. The vine design around the Red Baron sign is the same design that is painted on the Tannebaum Building in Leavenworth.
The photo below it is the beautiful stained glass art that hangs above a restaurant in Leavenworth, Washington.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Under His Wings

I just completed a brand new piece (posted above) I call, "Under His Wings" based on Psalms 91:1-4. I was getting ready for the new Vine Arts Gallery exhibit coming the end of this month and I wanted one more piece that fit the theme of the show, "Refuge in You." I found this wonderful photograph in an old book I have on Island Life and it illustrated this Psalm just perfectly.
These birds are Fairy Terns and are done in colored pencil & turpenoid and the background is in watercolor. I also added some white acrylic paint spatters just to add some interesting texture.
I like the theme of the Vine Arts show: "Refuge." It seems especially appropriate during these tough economic times to focus on the things that we can take refuge in like our faith in God, our friends, and our families. I know that I am not the only one who is looking for a job, struggling to make ends meet and waiting it out hoping for better times. I think this show will be uplifting and encouraging to people and that is what we need right now.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Happy Days & Not So Happy Fish

Paul Peterson

Henry Winkler, me and Donny Most from "Happy Days"
A few weeks ago, I met two of the stars from the TV Series, Happy Days--Henry Winkler (The Fonz) and Donny Most (Ralph Malph) and I had my picture taken with them! This a rare and exciting event for me and one that does not happen every day, so I thought I would post this photo on my blog site. I also met and had a great time chatting with with Paul Peterson, a former child actor best known as Jeff from the Donna Reed Show. He is also the founder of a child actor advocacy organization called A Minor Consideration that fights for the rights of child actors.

I met these actors at the Northwest Car Show at the Expo Center (also known as the Western Idaho Fairgrounds.) My husband loves cars and I especially love the designs of the old cars from the 1900's through the 1940's.
My art show at Happy Fish Sushi got cancelled for very unethical and unprofessional reasons so I am not going to do business with them again. This kind of thing kills trust! You don't cancel an artist's show a day before it is scheduled to go up and tell them that the boss decided to do something else. Yes, I was mad for awhile, but it doesn't do any good to hold on to the anger. I decided it was best to just move forward.

I am getting ready for two different shows. There will be a new exhibit at the Vine Art Gallery the end of this month and I will post more on this later. I am also going to enter a few pieces in the Western Idaho Fair Juried Show in August. Other than that, I don't really have much going on.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Reaching For The Star

"Reaching For The Star"
Today I finished my latest piece, "Reaching For The Star." This is actually a photo of one of the cats my mother-in-law use to have, an Abyssinian cat by the name of Cinnamon. I used colored pencil & turpenoid and pasted a special hand-made paper in the foreground and background. This is the same paper I used in my other animal piece, "Mighty Mouse." I thought it might be a nice idea to mix things up a bit by using some decorative paper instead of finishing it off with more colored pencil or watercolor and this fit perfectly with the color and composition without taking away from the main subject, the cat reaching into the trash.
Today was also the day of the Michael Jackson Memorial service which the news has been covering all day today. I watched most of it and was extremely moved. The music was excellent. I guess you could call it a "reaching out" to a star that touched the hearts of many of us, including me.
These are strange times for many of us. I know it is for me. Many of us, including me, are have difficulty surviving the economic meltdown that is occurring right now. We are trying to hold on to our dreams and tough times like these can bring huge obstacles that we weren't planning on facing. I am going to have to make some changes in the future in order to get through this economic downturn, but one thing I know for sure is I will NOT give up my dream to be an artist and to be an art teacher. I will continue to go to school to get my degree and I will use my art to help and enrich the lives of other people.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Getting Past The Creative Block

It has been nice having more time for my art work. I realize now how much my job, before it ended for the summer, and stress, were draining my creativity this past year. Except for what I created in my art methods class in school, I really didn't make any really great art pieces. I think I was suffering from a kind of creative block. Art Methods class was really good for me because it helped me to think outside the box and get past that creative block.

I have been working on a piece I call, "Reaching for the Stars." It is almost done but I don't want to post a photo of it until it is 100% done. I am pleased with how it has turned out so far.

My "Otter Odyssey" piece is up for exhibit this week on the Web Digest Weekly website under the gallery page. To see it, go to

I am still looking around for more art shows to book and am keeping my eyes open for other part-time jobs in case I don't go back to my custodial job.