Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Cat Show and Dealing With A Sick Cat

"Maynard on Roses"
A portrait of my beautiful cat, Maynard the Maine Coon.

This weekend I was at the Idaho Cat Fancier's Show exhibiting my artwork. I wasn't sure what to expect with the economy being the way it is right now, but I did very well. Anytime I make more money than what I spend on the booth fee, I consider the show a success. Most of my sales were from people showing their cats and from other vendors. The cat show doesn't get enough publicity and it is in an area kind of hidden in the back, making it harder for the public to find.

I got about four orders for portraits and I will try and follow-up on them to turn them into actual sales. Most of the portraits are going to be cat portraits, which I have a special fondness for!

The day before the cat show, I found out that my 16 year old cat, Maynard, has a small tumor in his intestines that has caused him to lose a lot of weight. This was added stress to me that I didn't need because I wanted to just focus on the show and not worry so much about Maynard. He is on special medication & a special diet to reduce the tumor and help him gain weight, but this is a serious health problem. I can't let myself think too much about "putting him down" right now or I will probably have a melt-down. He is doing a little bit better than he was Friday, but we are just going to have to take it one day at a time. Maynard is one of those rare cats that comes along once in a lifetime. We have a special connection. He has a wonderful outgoing personality and temperment and one of the loudest "purrs" of any cat I have ever owned. Each day I have with him is a gift and from now on, I will treasure whatever time I have left with him.

The cat show was a kind of "therapy" for me because it helped me focus on something other than Maynard. I saw so many other cats that I wanted to take home but can't right now. (Maybe later?) It was wonderful seeing so many types of cats represented at the show. Some of them were quite beautiful and exotic looking. The young ones are so energetic and playful. They are so much fun to watch.

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