Saturday, February 21, 2009

Life Interferes With Art!

This has been a very stressful week. I had a crisis at work and that took all of my time and energy to work through but the crisis is over and I can get back to what I REALLY love--art! I really hate it when life interferes with art!

This past week my BSU Art Methods class helped to hang an elementary school art exhibition called Go Green. The artwork in this exhibit is made entirely of recyclable material. It was really interesting to see what the kids came up with. Some have pretty wild imaginations! It was good experience for me. I find that I am kind of slow in deciding where to hang things and we had to be done by a certain time. My past experience helping to hang exhibits at the Vine Art Gallery really came in handy.

Last Tuesday, my BSU class helped some kids with another mask making project. It was fun and I had a ball. The kids loved it too.

Another project that I have started myself on is another wildlife piece. I have been wanting to do a black bear piece and so far, it is turning out very nice.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

We Art Women

"Still Waters"

"Sawtooth Silhouette"

My family and I have been sick with the flu this past week, so all blogging had to stop for awhile. In spite of the misery of being sick, some really cool things have been happening lately. I was accepted into the annual We Art Women Juried Art Show. I have posted above photos of the two pieces that made it into this show, which are "Still Waters" and "Sawtooth Silhouette". This art auction & exhibit is a one day affair that is a fundraiser for Women's & Children's Alliance of Boise, which is an organization that helps abused and battered women & children. The art show and auction will take place February 26 at the Esther Simplot Perfoming Arts Center in downtown Boise. This show also offers some cash awards. Could I be lucky enough to win one? We will have to see.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Passing Through The Waters

I just completed my other illustration for Isaiah 43:2 and I have posted it above. This illustration is for that part of the verse that says, "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you."

I mentioned in a previous blog that I decided not to go with the original idea that I had for this part of the verse having to do with water. I had actually started on it, but I didn't like the composition or the way it was turning out. I think the idea of using the concept of surfing was much better and has far more impact. This was the first time that I have done any type of art having to do with surfing and giant waves and I think it turned out great.

I think that in light of the current tough economic times that we are all living in now, it is important to focus on anything that is encouraging and to not lose hope. This verse, Isaiah 43:2, I feel is God's promise to me that He will be with me during this time and that I will get through it all without drowning!

My Tiger Mask

Sometime within the next week or two our Art Methods class at BSU is going to a grade school in Garden City to help some kids make marti-gras masks. So last Tuesday during class we made masks. This is a new art form to me and I found it very interesting. We also saw a video presentation on masks and mask making. The teacher gave us some pre-cut heavy foam masks (not decorated) and we spent the next hour or so decorating then. I decided to create a tiger mask. (See photo above.)
The tiger is my favorite wild animal and since I am a huge cat-lover, that was the first thing I thought of. I really had a lot of fun creating this mask. Another reason I choose to do a tiger is because it is the mascot for the school that I work at, Hillcrest Elementary. I don't remember ever creating a mask before--not even in grade school.
I actually took my tiger mask home and did some embellishments to it by adding feathers and some glitter paint, which really made it pop.