Sunday, September 7, 2008

Vevay Portrait is Done

I have posted (above) my finished portrait of "Vevay" the orange and white Cornish Rex cat. This was a commissioned portrait that I got way back in April of this year. It just took me awhile to get together with the client, round up photos and finalize the details. When I started this portrait, it was right in the middle of this mortgage/real estate crash that we have been experiencing, and I got rather distracted and too stressed out to be able to continue with it until last month. Fortunately, there is no deadline on this portrait. My client told me exactly how she wanted the portrait to look, with the light coming from the upper right corner onto the cat's face. I think it turned out very nice. My client will come over in a week or so to see it and pay for it. I hope she likes it.
This week I am starting my new part-time job working for the Boise School District. Knowing that I have this income to fall back on now has been a great relief to me! I may look into taking another part-time job in the mornings, only during the Christmas season. The next step is to work with Vocational Rehabilitation to get government funding to go back to college in January so I can complete my BA in Art and become a certified art teacher.

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