Thursday, February 14, 2008

Multiple Musings & Coping With An Emergency

I have been mostly doing lots of rock animals lately. My supply is low because they sell well and I have to gear up for the March Cat Show and other shows coming up. I have not been doing any colored pencil & turpenoid art and I want to get back to that. A few weeks ago I started a project that has to do with creating art that documents my trip to Leavenworth, Washington. I am excited and very motivated to do this. However, a family emergency came up recently and I have had to devote my time and concentration to that instead. I also had to postpone the start of art lessons for another week because of this emergency. Thank God that art is such a wonderful therapy for me when life becomes a bit stressful. It calms me down and centers me.

I finished the two otter rocks that a lady from New York ordered from me (through my website). I am waiting for a check to arrive in the mail and then I will mail that order to her. The interesting thing is this is the second order in two months that I have had that came from my website and I am not even doing anything to actively promote or market my website. I am beginning to think that it may be a good idea to do some promoting and marketing of my website. I will have to check into that and decide if this would be a good direction to go in.

I have become increasingly interested in getting into graphic arts and computer graphics. I occasionally do some graphic artwork for my church, the Vineyard, and the more I do it, the more fascinated I am with it. An artist friend of mine recently told me that she thought I would be really good at this because I seem to have a nack for it. That is encouraging to hear. I would love to go to college and get a certificate in graphic arts, but right now, there is NO money for this at all and I don't want to charge it and get into more debt. There are some online graphic art courses at BSU that I look interesting. I believe that there is a time and a season for all things and the timing for me to be doing this is really bad right now, so I am just going to put this on hold. Maybe this is something I can do next year.

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