Monday, December 17, 2007

You "Otter" Have a Merry Christmas

It has been awhile since I wrote anything on my blog. Sorry! I have been busy with Christmas shopping, Christmas parties, etc. I have finally finished all Christmas shopping and wrapping so I am free to get back to art projects.

The only time I have devoted to art lately is filling an order I had for 5 otter rock animals. A man found my website and loved my otter rocks. He has a house in Otter Rock, Oregon and was looking for otter art and crafts. So he ordered 4 small otters and one bigger otter. I mailed that order off last week so it would arrive by Christmas. By the way, Otter Rock, Oregon does NOT have otters living there anymore. They use to, but over time, they have disappeared.

I call my rock animals "Stone Critters." I use real Idaho stones and paint them with acrylic craft paint. The otter rocks come with little sea shells glued onto their tummys to look like they are eating their lunch. They also come with a furry tail attachment. See my website for more examples of my Stone Critters.

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