Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas To All!

On this Christmas Eve I want to share a Christmas poem that my mother, Lee Overmyer, wrote. This poem is part of my family poetry book that I am self-publishing next year that will also include illustrations I created for each poem.

Joy & Peace
On Christmas day, oh blessed morn,
Glory from heaven on earth was born.
Humble stable and lowly bed,
"Joy and Peace on earth," the Angels said.
"A king is born this day to all,
To free you from the bonds that gall."
A King and peace? In times of stress?
So few could see the manger blessed.
Where is the king? Where is the peace?
Where is the promise of release?
Oh people here on earth below,
By prayer and seeking you must learn and know.
The heart within must bear His name
For blessed joy and peace to claim.

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