Thursday, April 8, 2010

Monty Python, Redneck Art & Other Art Related Videos

Today I have been doing some research on You Tube for my Ed Tech class I am taking. I am looking for videos that I could use in a classroom, teaching art. I found several I liked, but one really was unique. It is called "Redneck Art made with BBQ Ribs--Speed Painting." A new form of art--BBQ sauce! The artist creates the picture by working with the negative space instead of the positive space. Check it out. For your enjoyment, I have included all of my favorite art-related You-Tube videos. They are 1) Monty Python Art Gallery - A demonstration of what not to do when you visit an art gallery; 2)"Redneck Art" video as previously mentioned; 3)The Art of Vincent Van Gogh; 4) Women in Art; 5) Bent Objects - about food art; 6) Two Father Guido Sarducci videos--one is on art school and the other is called "The Five Minute University." Enjoy!

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