Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Journey

I often think of my life as an artist and BSU art student like it was a journey similar to the journey Frodo and Sam went on in Lord of the Rings. The journey is both glorious and painful. There are both victories and defeats. And as much as you would try to avoid them, there are always battles that pop up when you least expect them. Ever since I have decided to go forward with my dream to get my BFA in art education, I have encountered various types of "attacks" directed towards me. Someimes they come through a job, as an employee having to cope with a bad boss. Sometimes the attacks come from someone I thought was my friend but really wasn't. Sometimes the attacks come from a church I am attending. They all spell one thing--betrayal! An evil force trys to keep you from pursuing your goal. This enemy wants to discourage you enough so you will stop pursuing your dreams. This enemy strikes you where it hurts the most--at your heart.

I believe there is both good and evil in the world The evil has to be fought. Just as Gandolf said to the King in Lord of the Rings/Two Towers, "War is upon you, whether you would have it or not."

At one point in his journey, Frodo was at a very low point and he wanted to give up. He was emotionally exhausted from the attacks he was having to face. Frodo said, "What's the use? There is TOO much evil around us." Sam told Frodo that there is a reason to keep going. In spite of all the evil in the world, there is still some good and that is what is worth fighting for. That is why we should keep on going.

A simple truth, but very true. As long as I see good people around me, I will continue to fight for what is right.

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