Saturday, January 1, 2011

You Have Entered The Twilight Zone

I have always thought of this period of time between December 26 and January 1st as a type of "Twilight Zone." Life does not go on as normal. At least not until everyone has had some time to recover from holiday madness and being frazzled with Christmas joy. I think it is particularly appropriate that the Sy-Fy channel is having their annual "Twilight Zone" marathon today.

I feel even more in the Twilight Zone this week because I am battling my way through a holiday virus that has given me an upper respiratory infection and has reduced my brain to jello. I have watched the entire "Back To The Future" series of movies on AMC about 3 times now. At least this virus had the good fortune of hitting me after Christmas and my Christmas Eve concert choir experience, which was wonderful.

I have had some brief periods of feeling pretty good and I have been working on a commissioned portrait that I am doing for my English Teacher at BSU. It is coming along very well and I plan to have it done before I go back to school in mid-January.

By next week I hope to have my brain back again.

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