Sunday, January 30, 2011

Please, Mr. Table Saw, don't eat me!

My part-time job and school have been keeping me from doing much artwork. I have my first big exam in biology next week! I want to get back to the hedgehog portrait that I started a few weeks ago. I have never done a hedgehog before and the textures are interesting. I have a thing about drawing and painting different types of textures.

My sculpture class at college is preparing me for how to use all types of power tools! This class is starting out to be more like wood shop class because our first project is a wood sculpture. This is all really new to me, but I am eager to learn. I have always wanted to learn more about operating power tools so now is my chance. The only power tool I have any experience with is an electric drill. I'm not exactly handy with tools. Some of those tools look kind of intimidating. "Please, Mr. Table Saw, don't eat me!"

Friday, January 21, 2011

12th Annual Realism Juried Online Int'l Art Exhibit For Upstream People Gallery

Maynard On Roses
Just got some terrific news today! I received a letter in the mail today telling me that my art was accepted into the 12th Annual Realism Juried Online International Art Exhibit at Upstream People Gallery. Starting February 1st you can view my art online at The four pieces that will be featured are "Anticipation" "Got Nuts?" "Otter Odyssey" and "Maynard on Roses." Once again my dearly departed Maynard lives on in my art work! That's cool!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Mrs. Messer's "Watermelon" Portrait

Today I delivered the finished commissioned portrait of the two kids eating watermelon. (See the photo from January 12th blog, below.) This was for my Literature teacher at BSU. She really loved it and may even have another commission for me later on. Yay!

My literature teacher is Mrs. Neidy Messer from BSU. When I met with her today, I told her how much her classes on literature have been a major contribution to my life and have really helped me to grow as a person. As an artist, I can really relate to the creative approach of famous writers like Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jack London, etc. Not only were the literature classes fun but the knowledge, insights and philosophies I studied in those classes will stay with me for the rest of my life. These classes really helped me to think about the choices I make in life.

I am reminded of an old Twilight Zone episode called "Changing of the Guard" where a literature teacher has to retire and he thinks his life's work has been a waste of time. He thinks that everything he taught his students was forgotten. Then in the middle of the night, he goes to his classroom one last time and suddenly the room fills up with former students from his class. But these are students who have died, so they are actually spirits. Then one by one, they come up to the professor to tell him about something they learned from his class that stayed with them and had a major influence on them. The professor is so touched he actually cries. It is on of my favorite Twilight Zone episodes and actually helped persuade me to choose teaching as a career.

I recently saw this episode again during a Twilight Zone marathon during New Year's Eve and I couldn't help but think about my teacher, Mrs. Messer. Only I didn't want to wait until I was a ghost to tell her how much I appreciated her! She said that she doesn't get a lot of this kind of feedback and was very glad to hear it.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Art Day!

Except for the hour I spent fixing dinner, I spent the entire day doing what I love the most--creating art. It is nice to have a day when I can be this free!
The painting of the two children (above) happily eating watermelon is actually a portrait commission that I have been working on for several months and finally finished. This portrait is for a teacher at Boise State University. I am really happy with the way it turned out. It was done entirely with colored pencil and Turpenoid.
I even found some time to start on a new piece. It will be called "Massage Therapy" and features penguins. I know you are asking, "What does massage have to do with penguins?" Well, you will just have to wait until this piece is finished, then I will show you!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

My Autumn Day Oil Painting

Today I went to BSU and retrieved my oil paintings from the 215 painting class I took last semester. We weren't allowed to take any of the paintings home until the class was officially overwith. This one was a Plein Air Painting that I painted in October. I was painting outside on the BSU campus and the weather was pretty good that day. I really like the way it turned out. I tried to get an impressionist style feeling to it.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

You Have Entered The Twilight Zone

I have always thought of this period of time between December 26 and January 1st as a type of "Twilight Zone." Life does not go on as normal. At least not until everyone has had some time to recover from holiday madness and being frazzled with Christmas joy. I think it is particularly appropriate that the Sy-Fy channel is having their annual "Twilight Zone" marathon today.

I feel even more in the Twilight Zone this week because I am battling my way through a holiday virus that has given me an upper respiratory infection and has reduced my brain to jello. I have watched the entire "Back To The Future" series of movies on AMC about 3 times now. At least this virus had the good fortune of hitting me after Christmas and my Christmas Eve concert choir experience, which was wonderful.

I have had some brief periods of feeling pretty good and I have been working on a commissioned portrait that I am doing for my English Teacher at BSU. It is coming along very well and I plan to have it done before I go back to school in mid-January.

By next week I hope to have my brain back again.