Sunday, September 5, 2010

Busy Week Brings New Opportunities

Busy week! Between going to school & homework, working part-time at my cleaning job, then doing a few art shows here and there, I am swamped!

I exhausted myself because I worked Friday at my part-time job, then Saturday morning, I had a downtown art show that I had to set up. At the last minute, I got a chance to be a part of the downtown Capital City Market (Emerging Artists) so I took it. This is always a good show for me because there is no fee involved, so whatever I make is pure profit. Parking and traffic is always irritating, however. Parking is at a premium downtown anyway, but then the only parking lot next to the art show show, where the vendors & artists usually park to unload, was sealed off because it was being resurfaced. Nice timing! But I was happy with the money I made that morning selling my art. Hey, it's the expectations are low.

Then I have a new commissioned portrait I get to start on! It will be of some kids eating watermelon and it will be full color. I am doing this portrait for my American Literature teacher at BSU! I am very excited about this opportunity.

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