Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sick Cats, Booking Shows, and Batiking

Not much to report this week. My cat, Maynard, is becoming very high maintenance and is on about four different types of medications. It is stressing me out. I think I need to take a weekend vacation sometime very soon--just me and my artwork and no sick cats to tend to.

I have been booking some art shows this week for the summer. I have one show during the summer (for one month) at Happy Fish Sushi and Martini Bar which is in downtown Boise. I am also looking into some others.

Last Tuesday, in my Art Methods class, I learned how to do Batiking. The whole class did a Batik art project. It is an ancient art that many cultures use. You put a design of melted wax onto fabric and then paint the fabric with any type of design or color you want. It was fascinating and I really loved doing it.

I am trying to generate some portrait commission work from people who said they were interested, but so far, I haven't gotten any responses. Some people are holding off because they have too many expenses right now.

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