Friday, July 2, 2010

Angel Cats

The above illustration is actually an assignment for my Drawing class at BSU. My scanner isn't quite large enough to get all of it. I call this piece "Angel Cats." This assignment involved using a laser jet copy of a photo (black & White), then expanding it into something else. It has to be in black and white with only a touch of color as a highlight. So the color part is actually the paper, which looks like clouds and blue sky.
I used photos of my cats, Maynard and Bonzai Pete as models and put wings on them. This is particularly appropriate, since Maynard actually died last year, but I like to pretend that he is still around in spirit. Or maybe he really IS an angel who watches over me??! Pete is pushing 19 years old, which is about 95 in cat years, so he will be there with Maynard someday.
I have two other artworks that are very close to being done, but am running into some slight problems. I misplaced a portrait I did of my mother-in-law's dog, Micah and can't finish it until I find it!!! The other problem is that I misplaced some sheet music that I was going to use as a back ground (in collage form) for a Beauty and the Beast portrait I have finished. What is up with this? I think it is time to de-clutter and organize so that maybe this won't happen again. (LOL)

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